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Aicha (working title)

  • Aïcha (working title)
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title : Aicha (arbejdstitel)
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2007
Format : Feature
Running time : 90 (in minutes)

Aicha, a high-school student, is a passionate kung fu fighter. Her Turkish parents expect her to get good grades so she can get into medical school, like her brother Ali. But school doesn't inspire her. Defying her family, Aicha starts secretly training at a professional, co-ed kung fu club. A boy, Emil, helps Aicha train for the club championship and they fall in love. But the rules of life are not as simple as the rules of kung fu, and Aicha is forced to decide who she is and what she wants.

Danish Feature Film

Danish Title: Aicha (arbejdstitel)

English Title: Aicha (working title)

Danish Release: 21.12.2007

Country of origin: Denmark

Running time: 1h30

Technical Data
35mm / 2.35:1 (cinemascope) / 6 reels / Dolby SR Stereo

Category: Drama

Director: Natasha Arthy

Screenplay: Natasha Arthy, Nikolaj Arcel

Director of photography: Sebastian Winterø

Editor: Kasper Leick

Sound: Hans Møller

Composer: Frithiof Toksvig

Production designer: Peter de Neergaard

Semra Turan, Nima Nabipour, Behruz Banissi, Cyron Bjørn Melville

Producer: Johnny Andersen

Executive producer: Birgitte Hald, Bo Ehrhardt

Production: Nimbus Film Productions ApS

Finance (DK)
Nimbus Film Rights; (DK) Danish Film Institute (Mette Damgaard-Sørensen); (DK) DR TV; (DK) FilmGear; (DK) Angel Film; (DK) Blixt; (SE) Swedish Television; Nordic Film & TV Fund.

Danish Distributor: FilmFolket A/S

International sales
Nimbus Rights ApS / Filmbyen / Postboks 518 / DK-2650 Hvidovre / t + 45 3634 0910 / f +45 3634 0911 / nimbusfilm@nimbusfilm.dk

Danish Film Institute


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

With the support of