SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Drowned in oblivion

Genre : Social
Type : Documentary
Original title : O Círculo dos afogados [Portugal]
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv, History/society
Year of production : 2006
Format : Feature
Running time : 75 (in minutes)

"O Círculo dos afogados" é o nome que se deu aos prisioneiros políticos negros na Mauritânia, encarcerados a partir de 1986 no antigo forte colonial de Oualata. Ba Fara é um deles. Escreveu em cooperação com Pierre-Yves Vandeweerd o relato de uma das páginas mais sombrias da história contemporânea da Mauritânia. Nenhuma humiliação foi poupada a estes prisioneiros durante os longos anos passados sem contato algum com o mundo exterior.

de Pierre-Yves Vandeweerd, Bélgica / França, 2007, 75'

2011 Territoire perdu
2008 Dormants (Les)
2006 Le cercle des noyés
2005 Le Nouvel âge glaciaire / Némadis, des années sans nouvelles
2004 Closed District
2002 Racines lointaines
2000 Némadis
1998 Sida d'ici et de là-bas
1997 Maalouma, la voix de l'opposition
1996 Témoins jusqu'à la mort

When the oldest of us understood that our destination would be Fort Oualata, he started to cry. He couldn't imagine that some men could send others so far away. (excerpt from the film)
"Le cercle des noyés (the drowned men)" is the name given in Mauritania to black political prisoners imprisonned from 1987 in the old colonial fortress of Oualata. This film touches on the fragile process of unveiling memories by one of these former prisoners who remembers his story and that of his companions. In a visual echo, the places of their confinement come one after another denuded from any traces of that past.

HD 16/9 B&W

Director Pierre-Yves Vandeweerd
Script Fara Ba
Script Pierre-Yves Vandeweerd
Direction Pierre-Yves Vandeweerd
Photography Pierre-Yves Vandeweerd
Sound Alain Cabeau
Editing Philippe Boucq
Mixing Paul Delvoie
Translation Kano Ndiaye
OV arabic, french (Sub-titles : french, english, dutch)

Production Cobra films (Belgique)
Coproduction Zeugma Films (France)
Coproduction GSARA (Belgique)
Coproduction Centre Bruxellois de l'Audiovisuel (Belgique)
With the support of Ministère de la Communauté Française de Belgique
Coproduction Image Plus Epinal (France)
With the support of CNC (France)

GSARA (Belgique)

En 2006 Work in progress :Etats généraux du film documentaire de Lussas (France),
Ecrans documentarys - Arcueil (France)
Semaine Asymétrique, Polygone étoilé -Marseille (France)

2007 :
5e édition de Quintessence - Ouidah (Benin)
57e Festival International de Berlin - Forum (Germany)
Fespaco - Ougadougou (Burkina Faso)
Les Hivernales du documentary - Feneyrols (France)
Fribourg International Film Festival (Switzeland)
16e Festival du cinéma africain... - Milan (Italy)
Alba - International Film Festival Infinity - Torino (Italy)
Festival des droits de l'homme - Paris (France)
Festival du film de quartier - Dakar (Sénégal)
Dok Fest - Munich (Germany)
Vues d'Afrique - Montréal (Canada)
International Film Festival - Innsbruck (Austria)
Songes d'une nuit DV - Paris (France)
Semaine nationale du film - Nouakchott (Mauritanie)
International Film Festival - Vancouver (canada)
12th International Film Festival of Kerala (Inde)
Documentary Film Festival "Flahertiana" Perm'Russia)
International Human Rights Film Festival - Nuremberg (Allemagne)


2 files


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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