SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Mustafa Z - مصطفى زاد

  • Mustafa Z - مصطفى [...]
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2017
Format : Feature
Running time : 81 (in minutes)

The film is about Mustafa, an ordinary Tunisian guy, who is in grips with the absurdity of the system. We are on the eve of the first free presidential elections, a crucial deadline for the young Tunisian democracy. Mustapha has a tumultuous relationship with his teenage son and his wife who blame him for his lack of ambition and his subdued character.

A film by Nidhal Chatta / نضال شطا

Tunisie, 2017, Fiction, 1h21 mins

avec Abdelmonem Chouayet, Fatma Nasser

Original Title : Mustafa Z
Shooting Format : 4K Cinematography
Date of Production : 2016

Genre / نوع :
L.M Fiction, 2017 (Feature film)

Durée / Duration / مدة :
81 mins

Pays / Country / بلد :

Producers : Nidhal CHATTA and Dominique LAISNEY

Associate Producer: Ferid MEMMICH

Director : Nidhal CHATTA

Scénario / Script / : سيناريو
Sophia Haouas

DOP / : مدير تصوير
Mohamed Maghraoui

Montage / Editing / : تركيب
Fakhreddine Amri

Casting / : تمثيل
Abdelmonem Chouayet,
Fatma Nasser,
Issa Harrath,
Sabri Khiari,
Rania Jedidi,
Aref Khessairi,
Faouzia Boumaïza,
Nouri Besbes,
Mohamed Graïaa,
Taoufik Bahri,
Narjess Ben Ammar,
Hatem Ben Slimane,
Aziz Dridi,
Sabri Jendoubi,
Férid Memmich,
Jalel Chaouch.

Production : BLACK & LIGHT FILMS



يتتبع الفلم حياة مصطفى لمدة 24 ساعة وهو تونسي عادي يعيش تحت سيطرة عبثية النظام.
عشية أول انتخابات رئاسية حرة وحاسمة للديمقراطية التونسية الشابة, تضطرب علاقة مصطفى مع
ابنه المراهق وزوجته التي تلومه على فقدانه الطموح و شخصيته الانهزامية

Un film de Nidhal Chatta / نضال شطا

Tunisie, 2017, Fiction, 1h21 mins

avec Abdelmonem Chouayet, Fatma Nasser

Genre / نوع :
L.M Fiction, 2017

Durée / Duration / مدة :
81 mins

Pays / Country / بلد :

Scénario / Script / : سيناريو
Sophia Haouas

DOP / : مدير تصوير
Mohamed Maghraoui

Montage / Editing / : تركيب
Fakhreddine Amri

Casting / : تمثيل
Abdelmonem Chouayet
Fatma Nasser


3 files


1 files


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

With the support of