SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Sahelian women can feed the Sahel

  • Sahéliennes peuvent nourrir le Sahel (Les)
Genre : Social
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2008
Format : Short
Running time : 20 (in minutes)

During the Rome summit organized by FAO in June 2008, the Heads of States and 180 country representatives all pledged with one voice to "reduce hunger and ensure food for all, today and tomorrow". In this advocacy documentary, Afrique Verte points out a gap between those intentions and local realities. This movie also shows that there are solutions to reach for food security and sovereignty in the Sahel. But statements must be supported by concrete commitments. Afrique Verte wonders : should Sahel coutries produce more, or should they transform local cereals to meet with the urban consumer's growing demand on food ready for use?

A film by Julie Roullier

Mali, 2008, Documentary, 19min 34s

Réalisatrice : Julie Roullier
Images : Valérie Servant
Montage: Nye Blen Prod
Musique : Boubacar S. Duo
Voix off: François Caron

Produced by Afrique Verte,
with th funding of Ministère des affaires étrangères (France) et Terre Des Hommes (France)

présentée au RPCA, le 27 novembre 2008 à Dakar

Contact : Caroline Bah, Afrique Verte - 01 42 87 06 67


1 files


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

With the support of