SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Scenarios from the Sahel - Uncle Ali

  • Scénarios du Sahel - Grand Laye
Type : Fiction
Original title : Histórias de África I - Tio Carlos [Portugal]
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1997
Format : Short
Running time : 7 (in minutes)

Carlos, o tio preferido de Zé, encontra-se muito doente e vem viver com ele e com a sua família. Carlos tem SIDA e foi expulso do seu lar, porque os vizinhos julgam que podem contagiar-se através de contactos diários com ele. Zé descobre que a sua própria presença, o seu respeito e o seu afecto podem ajudar Carlos a combater a sua doença.

(DVD 1), realizado por Cheick Oumar Sissoko do Mali; baseado numa ideia original de Cheikh Birahim Ndao, de 17 anos, do Senegal. (6'32" = 6 minutos e 32 segundos)

Cheikh's favourite uncle, Ali, is very ill and comes to live with him and his family. Ali is living with AIDS and has been thrown out of his home because his neighbours imagine that they catch HIV through everyday exchanges with him. But Cheikh learns that his own presence, respect and affection can help Ali fight his illness.

Written by Cheikh Birahim Ndao, aged 17, from Dakar, Senegal.
Directed by Cheick Oumar Sissoko of Mali.
Shot in 2000 in Senegal.

Duration: 6 minutes 32 seconds.

Film starts at 0:19:43 on the VHS compilation cassette.


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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