SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Urban Boyz miss Hip-hop award

Genre : Awards lists
Principal country concerned : Column : Music
Release/publication date : 2015
Published on : 16/02/2015
Source : http://www.tukabyine.com/

The super level records lead musicians Safi, Humble and Nizzo of Urban Boyz crew lost Hip Hop award to Tanzanian super star Diamond but managed to secure several music projects with Ugandan celebrated artistes.

The trio performed on 7th as Hip Hop awards ceremony and managed to thrill Ugandan music audience hence making it easier for them to meet and discuss collabos with big names in music industry.

"We missed the award but we didn't miss connections to make collabos which helped us get more recognized awards in future like Channel and BET," says Safi Niyibikora

The Tayali hit singers have already recorded a song with Uganda's a duo with Radio&Weasel.

The group is also still in negotiations with prominent Ugandan singer including Sheeba, Desire and Julian on a possible.


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