SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

HFF (Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen "Konrad Wolf")

Genre : Distribution, Cultural operator, Production
Status : Private company
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Marlene-Dietrich-Allee 11
14482 Potsdam-Babelsberg
Tel. : 0331 / 62 02 - 0
Contact by email

HFF (Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen "Konrad Wolf")

The Film & Television Academy (HFF) "KonradWolf" is the only art academy in the state of Brandenburg and the oldest and largest of the five media academies in Germany.

The HFF is an artistic media academy with training concentrations in film and television. New media technologies are also an integral part of the training programme, as well as the orientation on the cultural roots of these media and the scholarly reflection on their historical and current forms. This takes place in an environment spanning the traditional and the modern, the supporting of individual talent and the development of teamwork, from classical film stock and digital image and sound production, from course offerings for film professions as well as for technologically-creative jobs in IT branches. The programme pairs creativity and imagination withpragmatic demands. Throughout the programme, emphasis is generally placed on group work in the area of production as well as training teamwork.

What makes the Academy unique is its combination of artistic and scholarly departments, where theory and praxis go hand in hand. As the oldest German film school, the academy considers itself not only committed to its tradition, but also open to new developments in the media branch.

With its offerings in continuing education and cultural events, the HFF also strives to be a place of cultural, social, and political reflection. The Academy's artistic development and production, scholarly research, and training are an important contribution to the strengthening of the media centre Potsdam.

Programme of Studies
The project-based programme of studies consists of a unity of artistic-practical and theoretical-scholarly training. It is characterized by the combination of theory and creative workshop training, where students learn to fulfil specialized functions within a film crew. The primary goal is artistic innovation through the conveying of technical skills and through interdisciplinary teamwork on film, television, video, and multimedia projects.

Each department has its own individual entrance requirements. Ingeneral, a high school diploma, A-Levels or a German "Abitur",as well as practical media experience are prerequisites for admission. Applicants arealso required to pass an entrance examination. A total of approximately 100 students are admitted annually.

AV Media Studies
Media Specific Acting
Set Design


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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