SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Girl in the Ditch (The)

  • Girl in the Ditch (The)
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

An drama short film based on real life events about survival and resilience in Rwanda.

Gilbert Ndahayo is a graduate film student at the prestigious Columbia University. "The Girl in the Ditch" is Ndahayo's thesis film project.

Based on real events, "The Girl in the Ditch" is a drama (short film) set in the contemporary Rwanda. "The Girl in the Ditch" tells the story of a young lady who is invited to speak at a Genocide Commemoration event at the local stadium with an attendance of eleven thousands genocide survivors. But she's not yet ready. Coincidentally, she meets the man who abandoned her at the killing ditch - twenty years earlier during the genocide that claimed the lives of her entire family within one hundred days.

It took two years to work on the screenplay. In the beginning, it was hard because the film director Ndahayo is a survivor of genocide. Under the supervision of Ramin Bahrani, the film moved from the original plot of vengence to a portrait of forgiveness.

USA / Rwanda, 2012, Short

Directed by Gilbert Ndahayo
Produced by Laura M. Campos


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

With the support of