SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Fatoumata Tioye Coulibaly

  • Fatoumata Tioye Coulibaly
Film director
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Malian Filmmaker.

After her A-levels, Fatoumata TIOYE COULIBALY took the test of CAMM (Conservatory of Arts and Multimedia Trades Balla Fasseké Kouyaté) in the Multimedia section to devote herself to the digital arts and filmmaking. In 2014, she made her first short film during a workshop of the "bois sacré" (FRANCE), a film which was the best short film of the Multimedia cohort at the conservatory in 2016. In 2015, she participates in the Digital Arts competition of the African Innovation in Morocco (second prize).

Born 1993, in Bamako (Mali), she was passionate about art, winning the CAMM competition (Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers Multimedia Balla Fasseké Kouyaté) in the Multimedia section and devoted herself to the digital arts, photography and directing. She was recognised in 2015 at the innovation competition in Skirat, Morocco with her work on African Integration, and won the special jury at FESPACO 2017, with her first film Heritage. She participated in about thirty festivals of cinema. In 2019, she was nominated as Copyright Ambassador representing Mali. Currently, she is president of the KILE Association, which trains more than 40 filmmakers each year and organizes the Kino Bamako.

Source: LAFF 2022, Luxor



فاتوماتا تيوي كوليبال

مخرج فيلم


ولدت عام 1993 في باماكو، وكانت شغوفة بالفنون ، ففازت بمسابقة "كام" للوسائط المتعددة. كرست نفسها للفنون الرقمية والتصوير الفوتوغرافي والإخراج السينمائي. لفتت الأنظار عام 2015 في مسابقة الابتكار في سكيرات بالمغرب بعملها عن الاندماج الإفريقي. كما فازت بجائزة لجنة التحكيم في مهرجان فيسباكو 2017 عن فيلمها "تراث". شاركت في نحو ثلاثين مهرجانا سينمائيا. في عام 2019 ، تم ترشيحها كسفيرة لحقوق الملكية الفكرية عن دولة مالي. حاليا ترأس جمعية كايل التي تدرب أكثر من 40 مخرجًا كل عام كما تنظم فعاليات كينو باماكو حالي

Source: LAFF 2022, Luxor


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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