SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Fafa Ruffino

  • Fafa Ruffino
Singer, Actor
Principal country concerned : Column : Music, Cinema/tv


Ahouefa Ruffino called Fafa RUFFINO is a delightful concentrate of Beninese and especially African cultures.
It practice traditional dance and plays for 7 years of small percussion
FAFA, is even more than that! It is an artist, incorporates and generous, who lives his passion for the big day and who knows the pass with any enthusiasm and good humour that is he knows. A singer of great talent, an experienced musician, an explosive dancer, a presence in breathtaking. FAFA knows transform any song in tornado of energy.
FAFA Ruffino made its classes as a singer in the clubs of jazz of Cotonou, in Benin.
At the same time, it starts on the boards and leads a career of actress, theatre, film and on television. She notably participates in series cults Beninese "Bush Taxi" and "bisso Na bisso" (equivalent of "A guy, a girl," in France) is a success in Africa, what to make a name on the continent.
Spurred by the producer Oscar Kidjo, who sees in it a great voice, Fafa decides to return to his first love: singing. As a first step, this self-taught decided to seriously learn the history of music and following studies in musicology. It feeds and his knowledge of the music of the world.
Studies that the lead in Paris where she will be the diaspora of African artists, and not least. Manu Dibango, Amadou and Mariam, Mory Kanté, Touré Kounda and Mory Kanté, Papa Wemba, Rido Bayonne and the sponsor of Malian music, Cheick
Tidiane Seck, committed it as a Chorister, on their record projects and on stage.
All collaborations to strengthen its control of the scene, allow him to travel the world (United States, Europe, Africa, Mexique?) and occur in renowned festivals
(Jazz in Vienna, Wintertur, Jazz in Montreux, attending ' Kan Festival, Mawazine?) and mythical Parisian rooms such as Olympia, 3 baudets, the Elysée Montmartre, New Morning, or the Casino de Paris.
Eclectique, it gives Exchange rockin' ' Squat, rapper of the Assassin group, and has the great privilege to occur with Hank Jones and Archie Shepp, jazz sacred monsters. Many beautiful meetings which the reinforces her creative process, with as a profession of faith: curiosity, diversity and sharing.

Music albums

1 files


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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