SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Samba Félix Ndiaye

  • Samba Félix Ndiaye
© Olivier Barlet, Dakar (île de Ngor) 2004
Film director, Actor, Producer, Screenwriter, Editor
Principal country concerned : Column : Music, Theater, Cinema/tv, Dance

Born in 1945 in Dakar, Samba Felix N'Diaye was the dean of African documentary.
He obtains a Masters in Cinema and Audiovisual Studies from the University of Paris VIII and pursued further studies at the Institut Louis Lumière in cinematography and editing. A lecturer at Vincennes, he becomes a specialist at CIRTEF and trains television directors for the member stations of the Council for Francophone Radio and Television. Secretary General of the Société des Réalisateurs Sénégalais, he also collaborated on a number of films as producer, executive producer, cameraman or editor. His film credits include twelve documentaries, mostly on 16mm. The most important have earned international distinction ("Gety Tey ou prendre la mer aujourd'hui", "Le trésor des poubelles", "Lettre à un ami cinéaste", and "N'Gor l'esprit des lieux"). The author of "Letter to Senghor", "Rwanda pour mémoire" questions the state of African countries since their independence in his most recent work "Questions à la terre natale".


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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