SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Camera #2

Genre : Photography, cinema

Book ISBN number : 979-10-92102-00-0
Pages : 76
Column : Photo

Founded in 1922, closed down in 1982, Camera is still considered as one of the most mythical photography maga¬zines of the 20th century. Thirty years after its disappearance, it returned in January 2013 to pursue its original vocation: publication of the work of the best contemporary photographers while providing the general public with the criteria needed for sound appreciation.
Intended to be read as well as looked at, Camera conserves the rigorousness of the original editorial line, but in a new, original form. It will now focus on an in-depth conversation with a guest: a photographer or someone closely connected with the discipline, a filmmaker, writer, collector, gallerist, etc, with a view to a better understanding of his or her work.
Camera’s intention is also to build bridges between acknowledged masters and rising talents. 16 pages of the magazine are dedicated to the portfolio of an upcoming photographer chosen and introduced by the guest, and a one-year travelling exhibition for each portfolio is organized on sites chosen by its partners.
To follow what’s happening in photography today, Camera will then highlight a specific place, project or initiative, regarded as innovative and original; discuss discriminatingly chosen auctions and news of the photography market; propose a selection of photographic prices and residencies, and of the latest photography books from France and elsewhere.

Contents – Issue #2
Invitee: Malick Sidibé
Portfolio: Filipe Branquinho
New Territories: Museum of Photography, Seoul: In Quest of Identity
The Life of a Gallery: Agathe Gaillard: “I learnt by listening to artists” / Jean-Philippe Charbonnier, La Piscine d’Arles, 1975: A Closer Look
Awards and Residencies: The Lucas-Dolega Award: Supporting the Commitment of Photojournalists
Books – Selection: Tim Walker – Dennis Hopper – Amira Fritz
Camera Eye: Nelli Palomäki

Quarterly Review
Bilingual French/English
76 pages
(32 pages of photos reproduced on coated paper / 40 pages of text on offset paper / 4-page cover on soft coated paper)
Size: 8.8 x 11.4 inches
Edition bound


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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