SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Millenium International Documentary Film Festival 2010

Genre : Festival | Bruxelles

From saturday 12 to friday 18 june 2010

Times : 00:00
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Documentary filmmaking is a process before it is a result. It is the fruit of a personal research by a film director who becomes submerged in the reality of others. The real world, with all its complexities, is his stage. Above all, his priority is to remain close and loyal to the individuals he presents. Our mission is to showcase innovative documentaries from around the world that make us face up to the fundamental questions of humanity.

At the dawn of the new millennium, the UN, through all Heads of State and Governments, made a pledge to achieve eight Millennium Development Goals by 2015. These goals deal with issues concerning extreme poverty, illiteracy, women rights and climate change. Yet, as the target date of 2015 is swiftly approaching, it is of paramount importance that these goals are urgently tackled, supported and action reinvigorated.

The ‘Millenium' Film Festival aims to support this message through the insightful art of documentary filmmaking. But we need to put ourselves ‘in somebody else's shoes' first if we are to commit convincingly to the 8 MDGs. We believe that films can have the extraordinary power to inspire change and to bring together individuals of all backgrounds to discuss and exchange ideas, and to take an active role in meeting these indispensable goals.

This year our festival returns with an even more diverse programme. We bring together filmmakers from all four corners of the world. Their creative vision is not only captivating but also crucial for our better understanding as global citizens.


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

With the support of