SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Automne, octobre à Alger

Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1993
Format : Feature
Running time : 92 (in minutes)

In this drama, Djihad, a popular musicien, supports his wife, his fundamentalist brother (who prays for all of them) and his brother's wife, with his earnings. In addition, they all live in his home with him and his wife. Moderate mueslims have always had a difficult time in Algeria, attacked by the French on the one hand and by fundamentalists on the other. It is just before the government crackdown on popular fundamentalist political mouvements, and there is a lot of conflicts in the air. Things take a turn for the worse for the musician and his family when he comes under a ban of censoring because his quite tame music video is deemed "pronographic". Before long, he has been beaten up by both the policy and the fundamentalists, an he has au pretty awful time. Outside, fundamentalists gronw up and young algerian people go down in the street, on October 5th, 1988... Directed by Malik Lakhdar-Hamina (1992) Algeria/France In the competition for the Best Foreign Language Film Award 1992 Political Drama Screenwriters : Malik Lakhdar-Hamina and Areski Bouaziz Music : Safy Boutella Director of photography : Youcef Sahraoui Cinematographer : Mohammed Lakhdar-Hamina Editor : Youcef Tobni Sound Designer : Dominique Vieillard Procedure : Color Format : 35 mm 1,66 Sound : Mono Actors : Malik Lakhdar-Hamina, Merwan LH, Mustapha El Anka, François Bourcier


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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