SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Faro - Goddess of the Waters

Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title : Faro-Göttin des wassers (Allemagne)
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2007
Format : Feature
Running time : 90 (in minutes)

Der unehelich geborene Zanga ist als Kind aus seinem Dorf vertrieben worden. Auf der Suche nach seinem Vater kehrt er nach Jahren dorthin zurück. Ein Bootsunfall wird mit Zangas Ankunft in Verbindung gebracht und von den Dorfbewohnern als wütende Reaktion des Flussgeistes Faro interpretiert. Als Zanga dem Geheimis seiner Herkunft auf die Spur kommt, brechen einige lange tabuisierte Konflikte im Dorf auf.

Regie: Salif Traoré MALI /F CDA/ OBV/ D 2007 96 min OmdU


From Mali, a spellbinding example of new African cinema.

After a long absence, in the course of which he has built a sophisticated city life for himself, engineer Zan (Fili Traoré) returns to the village of his birth. His arrival is greeted with fascination and suspicion: because his mother has never revealed the identity of his father, the villagers regard him as cursed. As Zan tries to persuade his mother to name the man responsible, the dynamic of the village becomes increasingly disturbed - and the locals agree that Faro, the spirit who rules the waters, is angry. Thoroughly modern Zan intellectually rejects this notion, but the power of a shared belief is redoubtable... A masterful debut from Salif Traoré, a former assistant to Souleymane Cissé and Abderrahmane Sissako.

Salif Traoré / France, Canada, Mali, Burkina Faso & Germany / 2007 / 96 min

Director: Salif Traoré
Producers: Philippe Quinsac, Daniel Morin, Salif Traoré, Bärbel Mauch, Ismaël Ouéadrogo
Scriptwriters: Salif Traoré, Oliver Lorelle
Editor: Laure Budin
DoP: Jean-Pierre Gauthier
Production Designer: Bakary Ouattara
Music: Bassekou Koutate

CAST : Sotigui Kouyaté, Fili Traoré, Michel Mpambara, Habib Dembélé, Hélène Maïmouna Diarra

International Sales Agent: Wide Management (Paris)


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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