SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Feathered Dreams

  • Feathered Dreams
Genre : Romance
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2012

The true story of Sade, a young Nigerian medical student in Kiev, who dreams of becoming a singer. She finds a way to overcome her many challenges, with perseverance, confidence in her own talent and the love and support of Denis, the sincere and good natured Ukrainian.

"Feathered Dreams" - is the first feature-length movie in the history of the Ukrainian film production, co-produced to be exhibited on the African theatrical market. Starring in this movie is the star of the Nigerian film market Omoni Oboli and a Ukrainian actor Andrew Rozhen.

The idea of such an extraordinary project for Ukraine belongs to the motion picture and investment company - Highlight Pictures, which has already proven itself with such feature-length movies as "Lovers in Kiev" and "Synevir".

Andrey Rozhen: Director&Actor
Omoni Oboli: Actress
Igor Maron: Producer
Austeen Eboka: Producer&Actor
Michael Malcev: Producer
Philipp Rozhen: Producer
Dmitriy Nedria: DOP


2 files


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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