SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Flyer (The)

  • Flyer (The)
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2005
Format : Feature
Running time : 91 (in minutes)

The uplifting story of a young coloured kid saved from the mean streets of Cape Town by an old trapeze great. But his past and present collide to dramatic effect.
Kieren Jordaan is a member of a street gang. While trying to pick pocket an old trapeze trainer, Anders Larsen, our athletic Kieren gets caught and Anders drags him back to a warehouse and makes him work off his crime. Kieren scrubs and polishes the floors as he watches Anders' trapeze artists fly. As he observes them practice, his imagination is captured. Kieren pays off his debt but does not want to leave. He wants in but he knows his gang friends would never approve. When something in the gang goes horribly wrong Kieren is forced to flee and it is here, in this world of the flyers, that he seeks refuge. Under the guidance of his new found mentor Anders, Kieren's raw talent takes flight. But later on in life, when his old gang buddies catch up with him, Kieren must fight for his dreams and his destiny. When his brother is released from prison, Kier is forced to choose between his new life and his old.

Exciting trapeze sequences and superb cast, with South-Africa théâtre and film veteran Marcel van Heerden and first-timer Ian Van der Heyden. The Flyer made it to Locarno, one of the most acclaimed film festival in the world.


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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