SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Footsteps of a Migrant

  • Sur les traces d'un migrant (Footsteps of a Migrant)
Genre : Biography
Type : Documentary
Original title : Sur les traces du père | Traces d'un migrant (Les) | Traces of the Father
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2021
Format : Feature
Running time : 70 (in minutes)

Awa and Adama are 24-year-old twin sisters. Born of a Burkinabe father and a Senegalese mother, they are now motherless. Living with their aunt in Saint Louis, Senegal, they go in search of their father who has gone to "make his life", when they were eight years old.

Orphan twin sisters, 25-year-old, named Adama and Awa Ouedraogo are looking for their father's who left, when they were eight years old. Their aunt with whom they live in Saint Louis of Senegal, give them, some informations which are the first path to trace part of their father's story. They want a build on him, because they did not have the chance to know him well. From him, they only have three pictures and a vague memory.

The story of a Burkinabe migrant named Abdoulaye Ouédraogo who has been missing for years. Drissa Ouédraogo, his brother and his children Adama and Awa set out to find him by traveling through Burkina Faso, Senegal and Guinea-Bissau. Their journey, like a voyage of initiation and discovery, plunges us into the heart of a family story, a quest for identity and rediscovered family origins.

starring / avec
Awa Ouédraogo, Adama Ouédraogo, Drissa Ouédraogo

a film by / un film de

Burkina Faso / South Africa, 2021, documentary, 1h10, Society

Original Title / Titre Original (French / français) : SUR LES TRACES D'UN MIGRANT (Sur les traces d'un migrant)
International Title / Titre International (English / Anglais) : Footsteps of a Migrant
Working Title / Ancien Titre : SUR LES TRACES DU PÈRE (Traces of the Father) / Les Traces d'un migrant
Type / Type : Feature Documentary / Long métrage Documentaire
Country / Pays : Burkina Faso / Burkina Faso
Genres / Genres : Portrait, Society, Drama / Portrait, Société, Drame
Languages / Langue de tournage : French, Wolof, Moore / Français, Wolof, Mooré
Subtitles / Sous-titres : French, English / Français, Anglais
Year of production / Année de production : 2021
Year of Release / Année de Sortie (Première) : 2021
Runtime / Durée : 70' / 52' (1h10 minutes / 52 minutes)
Film Colors / Couleurs : Color / Couleur
Country of Production / Pays de Production : Burkina Faso, South Africa / Burkina Faso, Afrique du Sud
Country of Filming / Pays de tournage : Burkina Faso, Senegal, Guinea-Bissau / Burkina Faso, Sénégal, Guinée-Bissau
Shooting Format / Format de tournage : HD
Budget / Budget : 101 995 €
Financing in place / Financements obtenus : 5 000 € (in 2018)
Tags: FAMILY, WOMEN, FEMMES, TRAUMA, RELATIONSHIP, FRANCOPHONE, SOCIETY, Femme, Daily Life, Woman, Everyday life, Migration

Awa Ouédraogo........................................................ Herself / Dans son propre rôle
Adama Ouédraogo........................................................ Herself / Dans son propre rôle
Drissa Ouédraogo........................................................ Himself / Dans son propre rôle

Producers / Producteurs :
Mamounata Nikiéma (Pilumpiku Production)
Tiny Mungwe (Steps)
Don Edkins (Steps)

Delphine Yerbanga

Screenwriter / Scénariste :
Delphine Yerbanga

Cinematographers / Directeurs de la Photo :
Oumar Bâ
Stéphane Sawadogo
Isso Bationo

Sound Recordists / Ingénieurs du son :
Seydou Porgo
Honoré Soulama

Composer / Auteur de la musique :
Alif Naaba

Film Editor / Monteur :
Jupiter Sodré

Production Manager / Directeur de production :

Script Supervisor / Script-Girl :

Assistant Director / Assistant à la réalisation :

Pilumpiku Production

Fonds Image de la Francophonie (Aide au développement de 10 000 euros, Session de mai 2019)
Centre Cinématographique Marocain
Jeune Création Francophone
International Co-production Training Workshop
Agadir Produire au Sud
Bobo Dioulasso's scriptwriting residency (DocMonde)
Tënk co-production meetings
Ouaga Producer Lab
Ouaga Film Lab
Rencontres SABAKA (Journées Cinématographique de Carthage)
Ciclic co-production meetings
Deutsche Welle Akademie
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

Robert Bosch Foundation
Bertha Foundation

Sales Representative / Ventes (Copy Print) :

STEPS (South Africa)


* Sélection - Cinéma Sub Saharien /// 15è Festival international du Film de Femmes de Salé - FIFFS 2022 (Salé - Maroc, 26 Sept - 01 Oct 2022) | www.fiffs.ma/?page_id=8162
* Sélection /// 16è Festival des Cinémas d'Afrique de Lausanne (17 au 21 aout 2022)
* International Premiere /// Ecrans Noirs 2021 (Yaoundé, Cameroon
* World Premiere | Grand Prix du Président du Faso /// FESPACO 2021 (Burkina Faso)
* Sélection du projet de film /// Agadir Sahara PAS workshop 18 (Agadir - Maroc, 2018)
* Workshop or platform attended / Sélection du projet de film /// Bobo residency (Burkina Faso)
* Workshop or platform attended / Sélection du projet de film /// Saint-Louis residency (Senegal)
* Workshop or platform attended / Sélection du projet de film /// Ouaga Producer Lab (Burkina Faso)

Our Sources / Nos Sources :
- www.fiffs.ma/?page_id=8162
- www.imagesfrancophones.org/ficheFilm.php?no=19608
- www.generationafrica.co.za/films/footsteps-of-a-migrant/



قصة مهاجر من بوركينا فاسو يدعى عبد الله ويدراوغو مفقود منذ سنوات. شرع دريسا ويدراوغو وشقيقه وأطفاله أداما وأوا في البحث عليه بالسفر عبر بوركينا فاسو والسنغال وغينيا بيساو. رحلتهم تمثل سفرا استكشافيا في عمق تاريخ العائلة، بحثا عن الهوية وإعادة اكتشاف أصول الأسرة

Our Sources / Nos Sources :
2022 Salé Intl Women Film Fest - www.fiffs.ma/?page_id=8162


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2 files


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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