SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


  • Imfura
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2018
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 36 (in minutes)

Gisa goes to the village of Nkora, native to his mother who disappeared during the genocide. He finds himself in the midst of a family conflict over the fate of the ruins of a house his mother had built. Caught between the contradictions of a changing society, Gisa, who is almost the same age as the new Rwanda, seeks to rediscover his share of the collective memory of a past that belongs to him, but also so far away.

A film by Samuel Ishimwe

Switzerland / Rwanda, 2017, Fiction, 36 min · DCP, Colour, Kinyarwanda

starring Moses Mwizerwa, Kijyana Yves, Nyirababikira Hadidja

‘My mum left me when I was a baby, she never saw a celebration, and she'll never see one. Oh generation of god.' In Kinyarwanda ‘Imfura' means first-born, the noble one, gentleman. Gisa, a young man, travels to his mother's village. He never got to know her, since she disappeared in the genocide. Gisa wants to comprehend, to remember, so he meets those who remain. Much has changed. Various chants and rituals guide him in his search. The memory is inside him, the midwife says, has always been with him. He is not alone. He is alone however when he is suddenly forced to choose a position in a fight over an inheritance, a shell of a house. The ruins represent the visible remains of the genocide.
The film's hybrid form, its fusion of documentary and staged material, gives it a great sense of immediacy. Imfura is the first Rwandan production to be included in the competition of Berlinale Shorts.
Maike Mia Höhne (Berlinale 2018)

Written and directed by
Samuel Ishimwe

Director of Photography
Samuel Ishimwe

Samuel Ishimwe

Sound Design
Samuel Ishimwe

Eugène Safali

Sound Mixer
Phillipe Ciompi

Audace Irafasha

Daniel Schweizer, Jean Perret, Samuel Ishimwe

Imitana Productions, Kigali, Ruanda

Produced by
Haute école d'art et de design (HEAD) - Genève
Genf, Switzerland
+41 22 3885800

World sales
Haute école d'art et de design (HEAD) - Genève
Genf, Switzerland
+41 22 3885800

2018 | 68th Berlinale, Germany
* Selection - competition of Berlinale Shorts
* World Premiere / Première Mondiale
* Silver Bear Jury Prize (Short Film)



„My mum left me when I was a baby, she never saw a celebration, and she'll never see one. Oh generation of god."„Imfura"bedeutet auf Kinyarwanda der Erstgeborene, der Edle, der Gentleman. Ein junger Mann, Gisa, fährt in das Dorf seiner Mutter. Seine Mutter hat er nie kennengelernt, weil sie im Genozid verschwunden ist. Gisa will verstehen, sich erinnern und trifft sich mit denen, die geblieben sind. Vieles hat sich verändert. Verschiedenste Gesänge und Rituale leiten ihn bei seiner Suche. Die Erinnerung, sagt ihm die Hebamme, ist in ihm, schon immer mit ihm. Er ist nicht alleine. Alleine ist er, wenn es auf einmal darum geht im Streit um das Erbe einer Hausruine, Position zu ergreifen. Die Ruine repräsentiert die sichtbaren Überreste des Genozids.
Die hybride Form des Films, die Verquickung von dokumentarischem und inszeniertem Material, macht seine Unmittelbarkeit aus. Imfura ist die erste ruandische Produktion im Wettbewerb der Berlinale Shorts.
Maike Mia Höhne (Berlinale 2018)

Ein Film von Samuel Ishimwe

Schweiz / Ruanda 2018, Kurtz Spielfilm, 36 Min · DCP, Farbe, Kinyarwanda

Mit Moses Mwizerwa, Kijyana Yves, Nyirababikira Hadidja

Regie, Buch
Samuel Ishimwe

Samuel Ishimwe

Samuel Ishimwe

Sound Design
Samuel Ishimwe

Eugène Safali

Phillipe Ciompi

Audace Irafasha

Daniel Schweizer, Jean Perret, Samuel Ishimwe

Moses Mwizerwa (Gisa)
Kijyana Yves (Gahigi)
Nyirababikira Hadidja (Seraphina)

Haute école d'art et de design (HEAD) - Genève
Genf, Schweiz
+41 22 3885800

Imitana Productions, Kigali, Ruanda

Haute école d'art et de design (HEAD) - Genève
Genf, Schweiz
+41 22 3885800

2018 | Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin
* Selection - Wettbewerb der Berlinale Shorts
* Preisträgerfilme der Berlinale Shorts: Silver Bear Jury Prize (Short Film)

Summary for official catalogues

Gisa, un jeune Rwandais, se rend dans le village natal de sa mère, disparue pendant le génocide des Tutsis, en 1994. Pour comprendre et se souvenir, il va à la rencontre de ceux qui sont restés.


1 files


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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