Juwaa tells a story of separation and reunion of a mother (Riziki) and her son (Amani) following a series of traumatic events. It is a family drama that subtly explores the unsaid and the psychology of two beings surprisingly haunted by the past in their quest for a better future.
Scénario/Script : Nganji Mutiri
Images/Pictures : Quentin Devillers
Son/Sound : Ophélie Bouly, Cédric Mbongo
Montage/Editing : Xavier Vincké, Jérôme Guiot
Musique/Music : Cloé Defossez
Décor/Set design : Julian Gomez, Deshamp Matala
Interprètes/Actors : Babetida Sadjo, Edson Anibal, Claudio Dos Santo
Film by Nganji Mutiri selected for the FESPACO 2021
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