SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

La Voix du Peuple

Genre : War
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv, History/society, Heritage
Year of production : 1961
Format : Short
Running time : 20 (in minutes)

Directed by Mohamed-Lakhdar Hamina and Djamel Chanderli in 1961.

"La Voix du Peuple", composed of archive images by René Vautier among others, exposes the root causes of the armed conflict of the Algerian resistance.
Participating in a real war of images countering French colonial propaganda, these images aimed to show the images censored or distorted by the occupier, by showing the exactions of the French occupying army: torture, arrests and arbitrary executions, napalm bombings, fires in douars, entire villages wiped off the map, etc. which the French media described as a "pacification campaign".



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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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