SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Les Mains Libres

  • Les Mains Libres
Genre : Social
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv, History/society, Intercultural/migrations, Heritage
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 56 (in minutes)

Les Mains Libres (Arabic: الأيدي الحرة‎) is an Algerian film produced by Casbah Film and directed by Ennio Lorenzini, released on August 14, 1965 as a preview at the cinéma Afrique in Algiers.

The film, long missing, is being restored in 2022, thanks to funding from the Cineteca di Bologna at the L'Immagine Ritrovata laboratory, in association with AAMOD - Archivio Audiovisivo del Movimento Operaio e Democratico, Casbah Entertainment and the Cinémathèque Algérienne.

In 1964, Algeria, just two years after the end of the war of independence, found itself catapulted into new contradictions, a still rural territory that responded to the modernity brought by the revolution.

Filmed during the winter of 1964-1965 by the young director Ennio Lorenzini, this is the first international Algerian production that paints a rare portrait in color of a nation with multiple facets, far from the simplistic vision created by the press and the French army.

Produced by Casbah Film, Les Mains Libres (initially titled Tronc De Figuier) bears witness to the stigmata of colonization and the future of free Algeria throughout the Algerian territory and reveals the richness of its landscapes and the diversity of its traditions.

The documentary, using the aesthetics of the militant cinema of the time, is made up of four scenes: Sea and Desert, The Struggle, The Earth, Freedom.

Title: Les Mains Libres
Original title: Troncs De Figuiers
Algeria, 56mn, 35mm, Color (Technicolor°
Director: Ennio Lorenzini
Assistant Director: Mohamed Zinet
Director of photography: Claudio Racca
Camera: Belkacem Bazi
Editing: Mario Serandrei
Sound: Sidi Boumedienne Dahmane
Producer: Yacef Saâdi - Casbah Film
Narration: Si Mohamed Baghdadi



  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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