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All'autostazione "Pompiers" (Dakar) un taxi si appresta a partire per Saint Louis. A bordo, sei passeggeri: Souki, una ragazza diretta al funerale del padre che non ha mai conosciuto; Malick, giovanotto speranzoso che desidera salutare la fidanzata in partenza per l'Italia; Madame Barry, proprietaria di un elegante negozio da parrucchiere desiderosa di rivedere i figli dopo molti anni; Joséphine e Binette, due francesi le cui vacanze in Senegal volgono al termine. Su quell'auto sarebbero dovuti essere in sette, ma Antoine, un altro francese studente di musicologia, è arrivato un secondo troppo tardi. Lanciatosi sulle loro tracce, quest'ultimo incontra Dorine, la nipote di Madame Barry, giovane apprendista parrucchiera in cerca di libertà e a sua volta diretta a Saint Louis.
Am Busbahnhof Pompiers (Dakar) steht ein Taxi zur Abfahrt nach Saint-Louis bereit. An Bord sind sechs Passagiere: Souki, eine junge Frau, die zur Beerdigung ihres Vaters fährt, den sie nie gekannt hat; Malick, ein hoffnungsvoller junger Mann, der sich vor seiner Reise nach Italien von seiner Verlobten verabschieden will; Madame Barry, Betreiberin eines schicken Friseursalons, die ihre Kinder nach langen Jahren wiedersehen möchte; Joséphine und Binette, zwei Französinnen am Ende ihres Urlaubs in Senegal. Es hätten sieben sein sollen für die Fahrt, aber Antoine - ein Franzose, der Musikwissenschaft studiert - verpasst die Abfahrt knapp. Er fährt ihnen nach und begegnet dabei Dorine, der Nichte von Madame Barry, einer jungen freiheitsdurstigen Friseurin in Ausbildung, die auch nach Saint-Louis reist.
Dakar, Sénégal. It is the end of summer. During a trip from Dakar to Saint-Louis, the passengers of a bush taxi sing their lives.
At the Pompiers train station in Dakar a taxi is about to leave for Saint Louis. It has six passengers: Souki, a young woman going to the funeral of the father she never knew; Malick, a young man with big plans for the future, wanting to say goodbye to his girlfriend before he leaves for Italy; Madame Barry, owner of a chic hairdressing salon, keen to see her children again after several years apart; Joséphine and Binette, two French women coming to the end of their holiday in Senegal. They would have been seven, but Antoine, a French student of musicology, doesn't quite make it in time. Setting off in pursuit of the taxi, the latter meets Madame Barry's niece - Dorine - a young apprentice hairdresser in search of freedom, who is also bound for Saint Louis. It's a long journey to make in intense heat, and the roads are chock-a-block. French is combined with an exotic mix of local [languages], songs, and conversations. The time spent together en route allows these individuals, who don't necessarily have anything in common, to share their lives for a while. The songs in Un transport en commun - all written by the director Dyana Gaye and performed by the Surnatural Orchestra (a big band of nineteen musicians) and the ensemble Les Cordes - reveal the hidden feelings of each of the protagonists: Malick hopes to make his fortune in Italy, while Madame Barry regrets having abandoned her children to pursue a career in Dakar. As for the taxi driver, he is quite critical about his country's situation: he's fed up of "hearing that France is Africa's friend" and would like Senegal to be more pro-active. With Un transport en commun -alternating choreographed musical numbers with very realistic sequences- Gaye Dyana takes a highly refreshing look at Africa in an entertaining musical comedy that is full of hope.
Locarno 2009
2009 - 35 mm - Color - 48'
Original version: French/Wolof
Umban Gomez De Kset, Bigué Ndoye, Adja Fall, Yakhoub Bâ, Abdoulaye Diakhaté, Jeannine Barboza
Directing: Dyana Gaye
Screenwriting: Dyana Gaye
Cinematography: Irina Lubtchansky
Music: Baptiste Bouquin
Costumes: Maria Dapina, Valérie Osouf
Sound mix: Dimitri Haulet
Editing: Gwen Mallauran
Nataal (Dakar)
World Sales
SAINT LOUIS BLUES (Un transport en commun) is one of 5 films made through the Focus Features Africa First Short Film Program.
- Audience Award for Best Short Film - Festival international du Film de Belfort 2009
- AsiaAfrica Best Short Award - Dubai International Film Festival 2009
- Best Short Film - Festival Cinema Africano Milan 2010
- Audience Award for Best Short Film - Festival International de Films de Femmes Créteil 2010
- Audience Award - Festival de cinéma jeune public Les Toiles Filantes- Pessac 2010
- Audience Award - Rencontres du Moyen Métrage de Brive 2010
- Festival du Film Locarno 2009
- Rencontres Cinématographiques de
Gindou 2009
- Toronto International Film Festival 2009
- Festival International du Film Francophone de Namur 2009
- Festival des cinémas d'Afrique du pays d'Apt 2009
- Festival des 3 continents - Nantes 2009
- Festival international du Film de Belfort 2009
- Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival 2009
- Dubai International Film Festival 2009
- International Film Festival of Kerala 2009
- Ion International Film Festival 2009
- Sundance International Film Festival 2010
- International Film Festival Rotterdam 2010
- Göteborg International Film Festival 2010
- Festival International du Court Métrage de Clermont-Ferrand 2010
- Festival Ciné Junior (International Film Festival for Young People) Paris 2010
- Festival de Films des Autres Mondes - Black Movie - Genève 2010
- Hors Pistes Festival Centre Pompidou - Paris 2010
- CinemAfrica Film Festival Stockholm 2010
- Chennai International Women's Film Festival 2010
- Cinema Novo Festival - Brugge 2010
- Festival Cinema Africano - Milan 2010
- Festival International des Scénaristes - Bourges 2010
- Festival International de Films de Femmes - Créteil 2010
- African Film Festival - New York 2010
- Minneapolis-St. Paul International Film Festival- 2010
- Festival Vues d'Afrique - Montréal 2010
- Festival de cinéma jeune public Les Toiles Filantes- Pessac 2010
- Rencontres du Moyen Métrage de Brive 2010
- Festival International du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel du Burundi 2010
- Festival de Cinema Africano - Tarifa 2010
- Mostra Internacional de Films de Dones de Barcelona 2010
- Curtas Vila do Conde 2010 (from 07/03/2010 to 07/11/2010)
- Durban International Film Festival 2010
- Black Harvest Film Festival - Chicago 2010
- CPH:DOX - Copenhagen Int. Documentary Film Festival 2010
Fabuła musicalu przenosi nas na gorące bezdroża Senegalu. Sześciu pasażerów rozklekotanej taksówki, jadącej z Dakaru do Saint-Louis, opowiada historie swojego życia. Droga jest długa, upał wszechogarniający, a taksówka czasem odmawia posłuszeństwa. Podróżni jednak nie tracą ducha i śpiewem rodem z Broadwayu celebrują życie. Wszystko się tu przenika i przeplata - język francuski z językami afrykańskimi, tekst mówiony z piosenką, a sekwencje śpiewno-taneczne z realistycznymi ujęciami. Dzięki temu zanurzamy się w inny świat, gdzie codzienność wypełniona jest muzyką. Twórcy filmu pokazują nam Afrykę w odmienny sposób, ich spojrzenie jest pełne nadziei i radości.
Tytuł polski: Wspólna podróż
Tytuł oryginalny: Un transport en commun
Scenariusz i reżyseria: Dyana Gaye
Zdjęcia: Irina Lubtchansky
Muzyka: Baptiste Bouquin
Obsada: Umban Gomez de Kset, Mbègne Kassé, Anne Jeanine Barboza
Język: wolof/francuski
Czas trwania: 48 min.
Kraj produkcji: Senegal/Francja
Rok produkcji: 2009
Nagrody i nominacje:
2010 MFF Mediolan - Najlepszy Krótki Metraż
2010 MFF de Femmes Créteil - Nagroda Publiczności za Najlepszy Krótki Metraż
2009 MFF Belfort - Nagroda Publiczności za Najlepszy Krótki Metraż
2009 MFF Dubai - Nagroda AsiaAfrica za Najlepszy Krótki Metraż
2009 MMF Sundance - Oficjalna selekcja
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