SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Temps d'une image (Le)

  • Temps d'une image (Le)
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned :
Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1964
Format : Feature

The story takes place during the Algerian War, told in voice-over by the hero's mother. On May 21, 1961, the French government ordered the interruption of offensive operations throughout the Algerian territory. What was supposed to be a day of joy turns into a day of mourning because despite this truce, the hero of the film is murdered by a commando who did not hear the government order. Two periods are juxtaposed and alternate on the screen: the daily life of the young man in Algiers in civilian life and his life as a combatant.
The film evokes the joy of the Algerian combatants at the announcement of the truce and their plans for a return to civilian life after 7 years of fighting.
But "when war is agonizing, it has deadly jolts for those whose lives it holds tight in its fists. She held my child, she didn't let go."
"He died on a day of peace."


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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