SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Time of Comrades

  • Temps des camarades (Le) | زمن [...]
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title : Entre parenthèses/Between Parenthesis [working title] | El tiempo de los compañeros [Espagne] | زمن الرفاق
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2008
Format : Feature
Running time : 103 (in minutes)

Norte de Marruecos. Principios de los años 90.
Con el título de Bachiller en la mano, Rahil decide continuar sus estudios en la Universidad a pesar de la oposición de su familia. Allí descubre una creciente influencia islámica, mientras unos pocos militantes sindicalistas intentan resistir. Saïd, un estudiante sobresaliente y hasta entonces al margen del movimiento político, decide implicarse de lleno en la lucha para conquistarla… Rahil, que sucumbe a sus encantos, ¿estará realmente preparada para comprometerse con la revuelta?
El tiempo de los compañeros es una historia sobre la iniciación política y sentimental de la última generación de estudiantes comprometidos marroquíes. Un episodio prácticamente desconocido para gran parte del público.

Dirección: Mohamed Chrif Tribak.
Intérpretes: Farah El Fassi, Said Assou, Yassin Ferjani, Manal El Sedikki.

- Presupuesto global: 500.000 €
- Total obtenido: Avance sobre taquilla del Centro Cinematográfico Marroquí 210.000 €, la segunda cadena de televisión marroquí 96.000 €, Clipper Films 60.000 €.
- Trabajos por finalizar: Montaje de sonido, mezcla de sonido, adquisición de los derechos musicales y trabajos de laboratorio: calibrado, títulos de crédito, conformación, transfer óptico y copia en 35 mm.


North of Morocco. Early 90s.
Her highschool diploma between her hands, Rahil decides, against her family's will to carry on her studies at University. She discovers a climbing islamic influence. Few sydicalists' militants try to resist.
Said, a brilliant student, up to that time on the side of the political movement, decides to conquer her, and puts all his efforts for the fight of... Rahil who fells under his charm, Is she really ready to commit as well?
Time of Comrades is a story about the political learning and thoughts of the Moroccan students of the last generation. A story that is largely unknown to the wide public.

As the Arab films in the competition start with the discovery of Amr Salama from Egypt in his directorial debut, they close with the discovery of Mohammad Al-Charif Al-Tribak from Morocco in his directorial debut. Everyone, who loves cinema and knows it, and has seen Al-Tribak's short films, was waiting for his feature debut. He is endowed with a special eye and a special ear. And cinema is nothing but an eye that sees and an ear that listens. The film is screened as part of MEIFF's celebration of the Golden Jubilee of Moroccan cinema; a ceremony which precedes the first screening at the Emirates Palace. In this film Al-Tribak returns to the recent past in Morocco expressing the political conflict between democratic and Islamist currents. It is a beautiful and important film that comes from the ocean to the Gulf.

Director:Mohamed Chrif Tribak

Country: Morocco
Year: 2008
Duration: 103 Minutes

- Global budget: €500,000
- Total obtained: Advance over box office of the Moroccan Film Commission €210,000, the Moroccan second TV channel €96,000, Clipper Films €60,000.
- Works still to be made: Sound editing, sound mixing, purchase of the music rights and lab works: grading, credits, conforming, optical transfer, 35 mm print.


2008 | MIEFF - Middle East International Film Festival | ABU DHABI
Section: In Competition - Feature


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