SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Zanzibar Musical Club

  • Zanzibar Musical Club
Genre : Musical
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2009
Format : Feature
Running time : 85 (in minutes)

At sunset in the streets of the ancient old town, the musical clubs of Zanzibar buzz with the joyful sounds of Taarab, the music of Zanzibar,
whose style reflects two millennium of cultural exchange and the island's place at the crossroads of the spice route.
Vehicle of cultural identity and living tradition, the performance of Taarab is intrinsically linked to both the ceremonial and everyday life of the island. Its gentle rhythms accompany the listener on every step of existence - from the most solemn to the most blissful moments.
Featuring artists such as the midwife and healer Bi Kidude, one of the most revered of all Zanzibar Taarab singers, this documentary immerses in the colour, warmth and diversity of Zanzibar's little known Muslim culture and the Taarab poets - cultural custodians of a dynamic musical heritage that must assert itself in the face of tourism and economic change.

a creative documentary by philippe gasnier & patrice nezan | 85 & 52 minutes


VANCOUVER - Canada, International Film Festival, 30 september-15 october 2010

TARIFA - Spain, Festival de Cinema Africano, 21-29 may 2010

ATHENS - Greece, Agon International Meeting of Archeological Film, 11-16 may 2010

MONTREAL - Canada, Festival Panafrica, 15-25 april 2010

PARIS - France, Festival International Jean Rouch, 27 march-5april 2010

TARTU - Estonia, WorldFilm Festival of Visual Culture, 22-28 march 2010

TIBURON - United States, Tiburon International Film Festival, 18-26 march 2010

LYON - France, Festival du Film Indépendant Les Inattendus, 25-31 january 2010

KARACHI - Pakistan, KaraFilmFestival, 21-31 january 2010

ISTANBUL - Turkey, International 1001 Documentary Film Festival, 4-11 december 2009

DUBAÏ - United Arab Emirates, International Film Festival of Dubaï, 9-17 december 2009

FIRENZE - Italia, Festival Dei Popoli, 1-7 november 2009 (World Premiere)


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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