SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

32nd Montpellier International Festival of Mediterranean Film : 2010 winners' list

Genre : Awards lists
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Release/publication date : February 2010
Published on : 02/11/2010

Feature films

- Golden Antigone (District of Montpellier)
Jury : Karin Albou (director), Michèle Corrotti (President and Founder of Arte-Mare), Mazarine Pingeot (writer, critic), Jean-Jacques Bernard (journalist, President of the Syndicat français de la critique de cinéma), Michel Reilhac (director, producer, Deputy CEO of Arte France cinéma).
The Mosquito Net, by Agustí Vila ( Spain)
€15,000 awarded by the District of Montpellier
Promotional campaign awarded by CINÉCINÉMA for the release of the film
€2,500 in technical services awarded to the distributor by Titra Film
Special mention to
The Mosque, by Daoud Aoulad-Syad ( Morocco/France)

- Critics' Award (Crédit Coopératif)
Jury : Néamat Allah Hussein (Akher Saa, Egypt), Ana-Maria Echeverria (AFP, France), Pavlina Jeleva (Dnevnik, Lik, Obektiv, Bulgaria), Alain Masson (Positif, France), Alex Masson (Première, France), Richard Pevny (L'Indépendant, France), Umberto Rossi (Cineforum, Italy), Leo Soesanto (Les Inrockuptibles, France), Guy Spica (France Télévisions).
The First Beautiful Thing, by Paolo Virzì ( Italy)
€2,000 awarded to the director by Crédit Coopératif

- Filmgoers' Award (Midi Libre)
18 Years Later, by Edoardo Leo ( Italy)
€4,000 awarded to the director by Midi Libre

- JAM award for best music (CMCAS)
Jury : Sophie Grattard (pianist), Gérard Pansanel (musician, composer), Jean-François Fontana (President of JAM), Jean Peiffer (Director du JAM).
to Salim Aissa, Amine Hamerouch, Youcef Boukella, Cheikh Sidi Bémol, Redouane Bouhired, Youcef Gouaïche, Billal Boumessaoud, Amine Boumediene for the music of
The Place, by Dahmane Ouzid ( Algeria)
€1,200 awarded by JAM

- Insomnia World Sales Export Support Prize
Susa, by Rusudan Pirveli ( Georgia)
A €1,200 prize in the form of technical services

- Young People's Award (CMCAS Languedoc)
The Woman with a Broken Nose, by Srdjan Koljevic ( Germany/Serbia)
€2,000 awarded to the director by CMCAS Languedoc

short films

- Grand Prix for Short Films (District of Montpellier)
Jury : Yasmina Nini-Faucon (screenwriter and producer, France), Yaël Perlov ((chief film editor, producer, Israel), Olivier Jahan (director, France), Stephan Komandarev (director, Bulgaria), Corneliu Porumboiu (director, Romania).
Eva Is Leaving, by Aya Somech ( Israel)
€4,000 awarded to the director by the District of Montpellier

- Filmgoers' Award (Midi Libre - Kodak - Titra Film)
Garagouz, by Abdenour Zahzah ( Algeria)
€1,000 in laboratory services, ten 122-m reels of film negative and €500 in subtitling services

- Young audience Award (Ville de Montpellier)
Condemnations…, by Walid Mattar ( Tunisia/France)
€2,000 awarded to the director

- Beaumarchais Association Award
The Man who Slept, by Inès Sedan ( France)
€1,500 awarded to the director and an additional grant for the writing of a full-length feature film

- Canal+ Award Award
Eva Is Leaving, by Aya Somech ( Israel)
Prize: film purchased for broadcasting

- Cinecourts Award (CINÉCINÉMA)
Tasnim, by Elite Zexer ( Israel)
Prize: films purchased for broadcasting in the programme'Cinecourts'

Documentary films

Jury : Emma Baus (director), Laure Pradal (director), François Barat (director, Delegate General of GREC).

- Ulysses Award
Blood Relation, by Noa Ben Hagaï ( Israel)
€3,000 awarded to the director by the Médiathèque centrale d'Agglomération Emile-Zola Médiathèque Federico-Fellini of Montpellier

Development Grants

Jury : Mesdames : Fabienne Aguado (responsable du Département cinéma du Moulin d'Andé), Monique Carcaud-Macaire (maître de conférence en cinéma et audiovisuel, université Paul-Valéry Montpellier). Messieurs : Philippe Faucon (director), Emmanuel Gust (director), Franck Salaün (Memento Films Distribution).

One €7,000 grant
funded by the Centre national de la cinématographie
to the project
Moments de grâce by Emmanuel Naccache, director (Israel/France)

One €7,000 grant
funded by the Ministère des Affaires étrangères
Khibula by George Ovashvili, director and Guillaume de Seille, producer (Georgia)

One €7,000 grant
funded by the Organisation internationale de la francophonie
to the project
La Pommeraie by Carlos Chahine (Lebanon)

Writing residency
offered by the Centre des écritures cinématographiques le Moulin d'Andé and €5,000 in technical services by Laboratoires Éclair
to the project
L'Accusation by Mihal Brezis, director (Israel)

One €4,000 grant
funded by the Région Languedoc-Roussillon and €6,000 in technical services by Transpalux
to the project
La Guerre de Tarik by Mohamed Ouzine, director (France/Algeria)

One €3,000 grant
funded by the Association Beaumarchais
plus one Kodak award
3000 meters of positive film for a print or 1000 meters of negative film for shooting
to the project
Je vous ai compris by Frank Chiche, director, and Laurent Thiry, producer (France)


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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