SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


Genre : Distribution, Website, Resource center
Status : Private company
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

VOD 100% Africa !

AfricaFilms.tv is a VOD online store devoted to films from Africa, about Africa, and of the diaspora.
Cinema, Docu, TV, Animation, Series, Sitcom, Soaps, Concerts, Stand-Up...
A legal, commercial downloading platform, available worldwide, that will guarantee fair revenue to African filmmakers and producers. AfricaFilms.tv includes exclusive features, such as a website-builder that will allow any African right-owner to set up his very own VOD store.

Mission :Bringing African film back on screen...
and bringing cash back to African filmmakers.
With the support of ACP Films, the ACP-EU Cooperation Programme for the ACP cinema & audiovisual sector.
Produits :
AfricaFilms.tv also develops mobiCINE, a new screening network targetting urban popular audiences in Dakar and Bamako, two African capitals where all cinemas shut down, due to piracy. www.mobiCINE.org
The website will open soon
Meanwhile, please post your favorite African films (on the Facebook page)...


4 files


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

With the support of