SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Heavenly Sweetness

Genre : Label
Status : Private company
Principal country concerned : Column : Music
6 rue Saint Lazare
75009 Paris

" Heavenly Sweetness was established in 2007 by Franck Descollonges, who was previously a project manager at Virgin Music France, and Antoine Rajon, formerly the artistic director of the Isma'a label.

This young Paris label seeks to perpetuate the quest by independent producers at the beginning of the 1970s for a simple, intensive "spiritual" form of jazz whose ancestry lies as much in the pop and hippie years as in be-bop.

As they are recorded very quickly but using the best of modern technology, the albums on the label are designed to have a certain freshness and imperfection about them that is in complete contrast to a current tendency to "over-produce" records. Just like albums on the Strata East or Vanguard labels, Heavenly Sweetness produces or re-releases records that aim to capture a "moment of truth" rather than the result of clever production techniques. (...) Keep reading at http://www.heavenly-sweetness.com/ "


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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