SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Icarus Films

Genre : Distribution, Trade
Status : Private company
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
32 Court Street, 21st Floor
United States
Tel. : +1 718 488 8900
Fax : +1 718 488 8642
Contact by email

First Run / Icarus Films is a leading distributor of documentary films, DVDs and videos. Our 900 titles, mostly independent productions, provide innovative and informative views of a rapidly changing world.

How To Order Films, DVDs and videos


DVDs and videos may now be purchased online by Credit Card (Visa and Mastercard). Otherwise please order on official institutional letterhead, by Purchase Order, or pay by check in advance of shipping. Only purchases may be done online, send all rental or preview requests to our office via email, fax or mail.
RIGHTS: DVDs and videos purchased from First Run/Icarus Films are licensed with Public Performance Rights for non-commercial and educational exhibition when no admission fee is charged. All titles are available in the United States. Inquire about rights for Canada and other countries.

SALES: DVDs and videos are "Leased for the life of the media." Sale orders and inquiries may be emailed to: sales at frif.com

ONLINE ORDERING: DVDs and videos may now be purchased online by credit card (Visa and Mastercard only). Otherwise we require a written order (see above).

RENTALS: Prices shown are classroom rates. Inquire for open or public showings. Order at least 3 weeks ahead of desired play date.

Rental orders and inquiries may be emailed to: rentals at frif.com

PREVIEWS: Established media libraries may preview for purchase consideration.

SHIPPING: A shipping and handling fee is added to all sales and rentals. Orders usually ship in two business days.

Titles are available only in formats specified. Prices and availability are subject to change.

If a tape or DVD that you purchase from us is defective we will either issue you a full refund or replace it with another copy, whichever you prefer.


61 files


2 files


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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