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Sounding images

Genre : Production, Distribution (international sales)
Status : Private company
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Beatrix Conrad, Laura Stielike Prenzlauer Allee 36
10405 BERLIN
Tel. : +49 (0)30 44 35 95 59 | +49 (0) 30 44 35 95 60
Fax : +49 (0)30 44 35 95 61
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sounding images spotlights the music and the stories behind it.
The artistic cinematic rendition of sounds and a sensitive narrative approach denote the style of sounding images. Together with experienced film authors, sounding images produces music documentaries, portraits and concerts for the international market. In cooperation with television broadcasting companies worldwide, sounding images creates sophisticated music programmes that never lose their timeliness.

The Team
Each team member has a great number of films to his credit, not only in the field of music. The founders of sounding images are both experienced filmmakers and producers. They have worked for television for years. And each of them has a very individual, personal approach to music. Their experience as filmmakers extends well beyond music productions, much to the benefit of sounding images films.

Claus Wischmann
The Musician

Claus Wischmann is the classicist among the film authors at sounding images. After completing his studies in piano and saxophone at the Frankfurt Music Academy, he took charge of the "Great composers at Rehearsal", "Achtung Klassik!" and "Stars of Tomorrow" series.
He has worked as a producer on many great international television events in classical music such as "24hours Bach" and "24hours Mozart", and was privileged to watch Pavarotti and his friends at their performances in Modena.
He writes and directs portraits, documentaries, reportages and concert shootings, and all the hallmarks of the musician clearly shine through in his work.

Holger Preusse
The Image Visionary

The beginnings of his films are particularly worthy of attention. Though artistically arranged, the images employed blend and mesh quite naturally. He has the knack of knowing how to condense a story into just a few images. And during this process, he both enhances the music while using sound and rhythm to create images. He prefers to work with classical music and the modern.
Holger Preusse's films have won numerous awards, such as the "German Environmental Publicist Prize" (1992), the Grimme Prize (nomination 1995), the grand prize at the 20th International Biennale of Scientific Films in Ronda (1998), and first prize in the television category at the Festival Radio Television RTVE in Spain (2006).

Stephan Pannen
The Organisational Genius

Stephan Pannen spent the Sundays of his childhood in the organ loft of the Marienbasilika in Kevelaer in the Lower Rhine area. It wasn't unusual for this choirboy to attend four high masses in a row. Yet his love of classical music managed to remain unaffected. Today, he not only devotes himself to it in his free time, either at the piano or singing, but also in his cinematic creations, most recently with the film "The Football Concerto" - a unique endeavour to combine classical music with the battle for the round leather ball.

Stephan Pannen is the founder and director of the fernsehbüro GmbH and the author of around 80 documentaries and reportages. He explains the decision to found sounding images in 2006: "sounding images give us the chance to produce our music films even more effectively and distribute them with improved precision."

The Films
The films created by sounding images are designed to tell stories where the focal point is on an individual's personal access to music and the uniqueness of the artist. This is why sounding images concentrates primarily on documentaries, portraits and reportages. Even the live concert shootings by sounding images are not conceived of as a simple recording of the performance; they seek to entice the audience into an imaginary world of music.


sounding images zeigt die Musik und die Geschichte dahinter.
Die kunstvolle filmische Umsetzung der Klänge und eine einfühlsame Erzählweise zeichnet den Stil von sounding images aus. Mit erfahrenen Filmautoren produziert sounding images Musikdokumentationen, Portraits und Konzerte für den internationalen Markt. In Zusammenarbeit mit Fernsehsendern weltweit realisiert sounding images anspruchsvolle Musikprogramme, die über den Tag hinaus Gültigkeit haben.

Das Team
Jeder von ihnen hat schon viele Filme gedreht und das nicht nur im Musikbereich. Die Gründer von sounding images sind beides, erfahrene Filmemacher und Producer. Sie arbeiten seit Jahren für das Fernsehen. Und sie haben ihren jeweils eigenen, ganz persönlichen Zugang zur Musik. Ihre Erfahrungen als Filmemacher gehen über Musikproduktionen weit hinaus. Das kommt auch den sounding images-Filmen zu Gute.

* Claus Wischmann, Der Musiker
* Holger Preuße, Der Bilderfinder
* Stefan Pannen, Das Organisationstalent

Die Filme
Die Filme von sounding images sollen Geschichten erzählen. Der eigene, persönliche Zugang zur Musik, die Einzigartigkeit des Künstlers stehen im Mittelpunkt. Von daher konzentriert sich sounding images vor allem auf Dokumentationen, Portraits und Reportagen. Selbst die Konzertmitschnitte von sounding images verstehen sich nicht als reine Wiedergabe der Aufführung, sondern wollen den Zuschauer in eine imaginäre Welt entführen.


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