SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Al Fadhil

Al Fadhil
© www.lowave.com
Film director, Fine artist, Painter, Photographer
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv, Fine arts, Photo, Design

Al Fadhil, geboren 1955 in Basrah, Irak, arbeitet als multidisziplinärer Künstler mit Malerei, Fotografie, Video, Installationen und Performances. Sein Studium absol-vierte er am Institut für Bildende Künste in Bagdad und an der Kunstkakademie in Florenz. Al Fadhil hat an zahlreichen Workshops und Residenzen teilgenommen: Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris (2000, 2004 und 2005), Dubai Art Symposium (2004), Taipei Art University (2005). Seine Werke sind in Museen und auf internationalen Biennalen und Festivals zu sehen, u.a. im Bonndorf Museum (D), 2000; der Sharjah Biennale (UAE), 2003; der Biennale von Venedig, off performance (I) 2003; im Universitäts-Museum Rom / MLAC (I), 2004; der Emergency Biennale I, Palais de Tokyo, Paris (F), 2005; Kuandu Museum, Taipei (TW), 2005, Punish Kamp project, Berlin 2006.


Born in Basrah, Iraq in 1955.

Al Fadhil, is a multidisciplinary artist (painting, installation, photography, performance, video art). He studied at the Institute of Fine Arts in Baghdad and at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence (Italy). He has participated in many international art events and workshop residencies. He worked at the "Cité Internationale des Arts" (Paris) in 2000, 2004 and 2005, Dubai Art Symposium 2004, and Taipei Art University 2005. He has held exhibitions in various venues across Europe and other continents including the Bonndorf Museum (D), 2000; Sharjah Biennale (UAE), 2003; Venice Biennale, off performance (I), 2003; Rome University Museum / MLAC (I), 2004; Emergency Biennale I, Palais de Tokyo, Paris (F), 2005; Kuandu Museum, Taipei (TW), 2005, and the Punish Kamp project, Berlin 2006.

He currently resides in Lugano, Switzerland.

Source: LOWAVE (Label)


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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