SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Amina Zoubir

  • Amina Zoubir
Film director, Photographer, University lecturer, Multimedia artist
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv, Fine arts, Photo, History/society, Design

Amina Zoubir lives and works between Paris (France) and Algiers (Algeria). She is a visual artist, director and curator of video art. She graduated with a Master's degree in Theory and Practice of Contemporary Art and New Media in 2009 from Paris 8 University and a Diploma of Artistic Graduate Studies (DESA) in Graphic Design obtained in 2006 at the Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts of Algiers. In 2010, she published her academic research unveiling the video art of Algerian artists in a book titled "Relation of the image and sound in contemporary Algerian video: a real-time experience", published by European Academic Publishers, EUE Saarbruecken, Germany. She is pursuing her PhD in aesthetics at the Paris 8 University.
From 2005, his participation in the workshops of photographers Thomas Hartwell and Andreas Rost offers her the opportunity to experiment photography. In 2006, she directed a first short film titled Take the bus and look in the framework of the project Bledi in progress produced by Katia Kameli, broadcasted at the Zinet Film Library (Algiers) then in France and abroad, at Short film market (Clermont-Ferrand), Cinemed (Montpellier), Cinema Lux (Caen), Panorama of Maghreb cinemas (Saint Denis), Kinokho (Paris), Saint Sauveur station (Lille), Palazzo Leonardo (Turin). In 2012, she performs six performative actions in the urban space in Algiers, titled Take your place for the webdocumentary A summer in Algiers produced by narrative and une chambre à soi, on this link www.un-ete-a-alger.com/#/prends-ta-place

Her videos and photographs question the notions of body language and its projection into urban, rural and fictional space. Her work as an artist has been exhibited at Biennale Dakar (Senegal), Biennale Lagos (Nigeria); Biennale Yakoutsk BY14 (Russia), Biennial of young creators of Europe and the Mediterranean in Bari (Italy), Biennale of contemporary art in Pontevedra (Spain), International Design Biennale of Saint-Etienne (France).

She has curated the video art exhibition Le Corps Manquant inviting French and Algerian artists to the French Institute of Algiers in 2014; she gathered Algerian women artists during a program of their films and videos at the Espace Khiasma, Les Lilas, 2013, thus addressing the theme Corps and (dis)agreements: the video aesthetics of Algerian women artists (1995-2013) from her academic research; she made possible the exhibition of contemporary art The Algerian scene at Saint Charles Hospice, Rosny-sur-Seine, 2013; programmer of the film Tahya Ya Didou for Illegal Cinema # 113 at Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers, 2013; co-curator of the video art exhibition Video killed the radio star at the e.Bannwarth Gallery, Paris, 2012.


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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