Brigitte Uttar KORNETZKY (1959, Germany) studied art, music philosophy and law. She's an independent film maker, artist, musician, journalist and writer and has lived and worked in Switzerland since 1997.
Mirrors and Prayers - Iran During the Iraq War (2004, doc),
Timeflakes (2004),
I Am Amputee Cologne (2007, short doc),
God Said (2007, doc),
The Cape Community School (2007, doc),
The Visit (2008, doc),
God No Say So (2010, doc),
Imagine, the Sky (2011, doc)
Geboren 1959 in Lichtenfels (DE). Studierte Jura, Bildende Kunst, Kunstgeschichte, Fotografie und Klassischen Gesang, Universität Erlangen, Universität u. GHK Kassel, Metropolitan Opera, New York. 1986 Master in Visual Arts, Universität Kassel. Stipendien, Auslandsaufenthalte und Reisen. Ausstellungen und Konzerte, Buchpublikation 1995. Eigenes Filmstudio auf vier Rädern. Gründung einer NGO. Seit 1997 lebt in der Schweiz und arbeitet als Filmschaffende und Musikerin.
2004 Mirrors And Prayers. Iran During The Iraq War (documentary)
2004 Timeflakes (experimental film)
2007 I Am Amputee Cologne (documentary)
2007 God Said (documentary)
2007 The Cape Community School (documentary)
2008 The Visit (documentary)
2010 God No Say So (documentary)
2011 Imagine, The Sky (documentary)