Françoise Ellong-Gomez

© Rodrigue Kouoh
Film director, Writer, Actor, Screenwriter
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv, Literature

Cameroonian Beninese French film director and screenwriter.

Françoise ELLONG-GOMEZ is a film director and screenwriter. She is known for W.A.K.A (2013) and BURIED (ENTERRÉS) (2020).

She was born in 1988, in Douala (Cameroon), to Cameroonian and Beninese parents. She grew up in France.

Francoise Ellong Bande Démo 2013 from Françoise ELLONG on Vimeo.

Born in Douala (Cameroon) in 1988, the Benin-Cameroonian-French screenwriter and director Françoise Ellong moved to live with her uncle in Brunoy, France, at the age of eleven. There she wrote her first stories and took part in the Prix International du Jeune Écrivain de Langue Française (formerly Prix du Jeune écrivain francophone; competition for young authors of the French language). The jury praised her short story "Journal intime d'un meurtrier" ("Diary of a Murderer") and encouraged her to devote herself to scripts. To date, Ellong has written and directed nine award-winning short films. She teaches screenwriting in Yaoundé. Her feature film debut "W.A.K.A." (2014) ran in 30 countries and won seven international awards. "BURIED (ENTERRÉS)", 2020, is her second feature.
She is currently preparing three feature films and a pan-African TV series.

Her Filmography (Abstract):
BURIED (ENTERRÉS) 2020, feature | ASHIA 2017, short | W.A.K.A. 2014, feature | Now and Them 2012, short | Rachel's Last Call 2012, short | When Soukina Disappeared 2011, short | At Close Range 2011, short | Nek 2010, short | Big Woman Don't Cry 2010, short

Source: Frauen Film Fest 2021
translated and updated by Thierno Dia, on 7 June 2021.


Françoise ELLONG, benin-kamerunische-franzose filmemacherin.

Geboren 1988 in Douala (Kamerun), zog die benin-kamerunische-franzose Drehbuchautorin und Regisseurin Françoise Ellong im Alter von elf Jahren zu ihrem Onkel ins französische Brunoy. Dort schrieb sie erste Geschichten und nahm am Prix International du Jeune Écrivain de Langue Française teil (vormals Prix du Jeune écrivain francophone; Wettbewerb für junge Autor*innen der französischen Sprache). Die Jury lobte ihre Kurzgeschichte Journal intime d'un meurtrier (Tagebuch eines Mörders) und ermutigte sie, sich Drehbüchern zu widmen. Bis dato schrieb und inszenierte Ellong neun preisgekrönte Kurzfilme. Sie unterrichtet Drehbuch in Yaoundé. Ihr Langfilmdebüt "W.A.K.A." lief in 30 Ländern und gewann sieben internationale Preise. BURIED (ENTERRÉS) 2020, ist ihr zweiter Spielfilm.
Derzeit bereitet sie drei Spielfilme sowie eine panafrikanische TV-Serie vor.

Filme von Françoise Ellong (Auswahl):
ENTERRÉS (BURIED) 2020, Langfilm | ASHIA 2017, Kurz | W.A.K.A. 2014, Langfilm | Now and Them 2012 | Rachel's Last Call 2012 | When Soukina Disappeared 2011 | At Close Range 2011 | Nek 2010 | Big Woman Don't Cry 2010

Source / Quelle: Frauen Film Fest 2021


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W.a.k.a., de Françoise Ellong



  • Arterial network
  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Groupe 30 Afrique
  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS
  • Rwanda : Positive Production
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam
  • Niger : ONG Culture Art Humanité
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Africultures Burkina-Faso
  • Bénincultures / Editions Plurielles
  • Africiné
  • Afrilivres

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