SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Ismahane Lahmar

  • Ismahane Lahmar
© courtesy JCC (Chabaka)
Film director, Producer, Screenwriter, Trainer
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

French Tunisian Director, screenwriter and producer: Fiction, music video, advertising.

Ismahane LAHMAR is a film director, screenwriter and producer.

She is known for On Your Grave (2008, Director), Mon 14 (2012, Director), Get Married/ N'importe Quoi / تزوّج (2013, Director), WOH! (2016, Director), J'irai au diable (2021, Director).

She was born on 25 October 1982 in Paris, France, to Tunisian parents.
Ismahane LAHMAR spent her childhood in Tunisia, and then he moved to France where she studied Economics. Lahmar discovered her passion for filmmaking industry at later stages. She studied cinema at the ESRA (Paris), and obtained her master's degree in audiovisual production in New York, USA. During her schooling years, she participated in many projects, including music videos. In 2007, she directed her first short film "On your grave" (16'), Best Screenplay in "Festival génération court" in Paris.
She has made short films which have been seen at several international film festivals. In 2017 she directed a Tunisian comedy for ICFLIX, "WOH".

In 2019, she launched her production company, Madame Prod dedicated to developing and supporting women's projects. She founded "Le cinéma au féminin", a program that trains women from disadvantaged backgrounds in the film industry on the preparation, shooting and post-production of a film.

Today Ismahane lives in Tunis. Now she's boasting a record of 4 contributions; namely "Mon 14" (2012), "Enti Essout", "Get Married" (2013) and "Rainbow" (2014),
Woh !

2008 /// Red Hope (Film study) /// Director
2008 /// On Your Grave (Short film) /// Director, writer, Producer
2012 /// Mon 14 (Documentary) /// Director
2013 /// Get Married/ N'importe Quoi / تزوّج (Short film) /// Director, writer
2014 /// Rainbow (Short film) /// Director, writer
2016 /// WOH! (1st Feature) /// Director, writer
2018 /// Breaking News (Short film) /// Director, writer
2021 /// J'irai au diable (2nd Feature) /// Director, writer, Producer

updated by Thierno Dia, on 5 January 2022



أسمهان الأحمر
إسمهان لحمر

مخرجة، كاتبة سيناريو ومنتجة تونسية وفرنسية. درست في المدرسة العليا لإعادة التأهيل السمعي (ESRA) في باريس، حصلت على درجة الماجستير في الإنتاج السمعي البصري في نيويورك. قامت بإخراج أفلام قصيرة عرضت في العديد من المهرجانات الدولية. في سنة 2017، أخرجت فيلما كوميديا تونسيا بعنوان وه لـICFLIX. في سنة 2019، افتتحت شركة الإنتاج الخاصة بها، حيث تطور وتدعم المشاريع النسائية. أسستLe cinema Au féminin ، وهو برنامج يقوم بتدريب النساء من الخلفيات المحرومة في صناعة السينما في كل مراحل صنع الفيلم: التطوير، الإنتاج ومرحلة ما بعد الإنتاج

* www.jcctunisie.org/ar/chabakaProjets.php (2021 Carthage Film Festival)
* http://fifagtn.com/portfolio/get-married-%D8%AA%D8%B2%D9%88%D9%91%D8%AC/


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