SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Kim Longinotto

Kim Longinotto
© DR
Film director, Director of photography (d.o.p.)
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Kim Longinotto is a British documentary film maker, well known for making films about extraordinary women and also the plight of female victims of oppression or discrimination. Longinotto studied camera and directing at the National Film and Television School in Beaconsfield, England, where she now tutors occasionally. While she was there, she made Pride of Place, a critical look at her boarding school. After the NFS she worked as camera on a variety of documentaries.
At the age of 10 she was sent to a draconian all-girls boarding school, where she found it hard to make friends due to the mistress forbidding anyone to talk to her for a term after she became lost during a school trip. After a period of homelessness Longinotto went on to Essex University to study English and European literature and later followed friend and future filmmaker Nick Broomfield to the National Film and Television School. While studying, she made a documentary about her boarding school that was shown at the London Film Festival, and has continued to be a prolific observational documentary film maker ever since. She directed numerous documentaries in countries like Japan, Iran and Kenya. She has received a number of awards for her films over the years, including a BAFTA for her Divorce Iranian Style.

2002 : The Day I Will Never Forget (doc)
2001 : Runaway (doc)
2000 : Gaea Girls (doc)
1998 : Divorce Iranian Style (doc)
1993 : Dream Girls (doc)
1992 : The Good Wife of Tokyo (doc)
1991 : Hidden Faces (doc)
1989 : Eat the Kimono (doc)
1985 : Fireraiser (doc)
1983 : Underage (doc)
1979 : Theatre Girls (doc)
1978 : Pride of Place (doc)


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