SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Leena Pasanen

Leena Pasanen
© Durban FilmMart 2010
Journalist, Consultant, Chief executive officer (ceo)
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Finnish Reporter, political commentator, sub-editor and TV presenter, Leena Pasanen was the head of documentaries for YLE TV1 from 1999-2000, thereafter becoming Head of Programmes for cultural, factual and fiction programmes at YLE Teema in Finland. She became the director of European Documentary Network (EDN) in Copenhagen, before returning to Finland in November 2008 as Coordinator of Programmes at YLE Fact and Culture where she is leading a two-year pilot project on 360 degree commissioning. She's been a regular expert, tutor and lecturer for several training programmes and is a member of the international advisory committee of Hot Docs and has been a member of the board of IDFA Forum, INPUT and the Bonnier's Journalistic Award in Finland. Leena presented a master class on succeeding in global documentary markets at the Durban FilmMart.

Recurring events

1 files


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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