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من موالید القاھرة في أكتوبر؛ من سنة 1958
حاصلة على بكالوریوسالاقتصاد والعلوم السیاسیة من الجامعة الأمریكیةبالقاھرة سنة 1980 وعلى
ماجستیر في علوم الاقتصادمن جامعة أكسفورد بالمملكة؛ المتحدة سنة 1982
شاركت في إدارة شركةأفلام مصر العالمیة (یوسفشاھین وشركاه) منذ سنة؛1984
Born in Cairo in 1958.
Marianne Khoury obtained her BA in Economics and Political Science from the American University in Cairo 1980, and her MSC in Economics from Oxford University, England in 1982.
Since 1984, she has been a managing partner in Misr International Films (Youssef Chahine & Co.)
Directed "Women Who Loved Cinema" in 2002.
Instrumental in creating and organizing the first edition of the Panorama of the European Film in Cairo (September 2004).
Jury president and member in several international festivals,
Founder of CINEMANIA, an initiative which explores themes and genres in order to present quality films to the public and to thrill movie buffs with a rich array of world cinema.
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