SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Walid Mattar

© courtesy JCC 2024
Film director, Screenwriter, Director of photography (d.o.p.)
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Tunisian Filmmaker.

Walid Mattar joined the Federation of Amateur Filmmakers early on. His debut short, "Le Cuirassé Abdelkarim", gained wide acclaim, along with "Sbeh el Khir" (screening at Cannes in 2006).
His first feature "Vent du Nord" (2017) won the "Tahar Chériaa" Awards for best first film and Best Screenplay Award at JCC 2017. His second feature, "The Bridge | Le Pont" (2024), won the Best Feature Narrative Award (National Competition) at Carthage FilmFest - JCC 2024.

Walid MATTAR, born in Hammam-Lif (Tunisia) in 1980, is doing a thesis in information management in Paris, alongside that he is studying cinema. A member of the Tunisian filmmakers foundation since the age of 13, he was director of photography on several shorts and directed Le Cuirassée Abdelkarim en 2003, 1st national prize at the amateur film festival in Kélibia, bronze medal at the international competition for non-professional films (Unica). In 2005 he also worked on the documentary Poussières d'étoiles by Hichem Ben Ammar and as winner of'autres regards 2005' (a Euromedcafé contest), he directed his first professionnal short, the documentary "Fils de Tortue". In 2006, he co-directed with Leyla Bouzid, the short Sbeh El Khir as part of the project "10 Courts, 10 regards" from young Tunisian directors. The project was presented in the cinephile village at the Cannes Film Festival. In 2010, he has written with Leyla Bouzid Condamnations short drama that he directed alone. Da Giorgio (2011, documentary) is his last short.

2024 - The Bridge | Le Pont (2è long métrage fiction)
2017 - Vent du Nord (Premier long métrage fiction)
2011 - Offrande (court métrage fiction)
2012 - Baba Noël) (court métrage fiction)
2010 - Condamnations (fiction, 15 min)
2006 - Da Giorgio (doc, 11 min 51s)
2006 - Sbeh El Khir (Bonjour) (fiction)
2005 - Fils de Tortue (doc, 14mn)
2003 - Le Cuirassé Abdelkarim

Fuente / Fontes / Our Source / Quelle / Nos Sources (MAIS INFORMAÇÕES / READ MORE / PLUS D'INFOS) :
- Africiné Magazine
- hwww.webdo.tn/fr/actualite/culture/ciff-2024-le-pont-de-walid-mattar-un-recit-realiste-et-poignant/217750
- www.jcctunisie.org/le-pont/
- www.jcctunisie.org/en/the-bridge/
Updated by Thierno DIA, 25 Dec 2024


Walid Mattar, è nato a Tunisi, fa una tesi sulla gestione della conoscenza e studia parallelamente cinema. Membro della federazione tunisina dei cineasti amatori dall'età di 13 anni, è stato direttore della fotografia su divuersi cortometraggi. Realizza nel 2003 il corto "Le Cuirassée Abdelkarim", che riceve il premio nazionale del film amatoriale di Kélibia e la medagli adi bronzo al concorso mondiale del film non professionale (Unica). Lavora sul film documentario "Polvere si Stelle" di Hichem Ben Ammar. Nel 2006, realizza in partenariato con Leyla Bouzid, il corto Sbeh El Khir (Buongiorno) nell'ambito del progetto "10 Courts, 10 regards", presentato nel villagio cinefilo del Festival di Cannes.




وليد مطار

بداياتـه كانـت فـي الجامعـة التونسـية للسـينمائيين الهـواة. حـاز فيلمـه الطويـل األول"شـرش"علـى جائـزة العمـل األول"الطاهـر شـريعة"وجائـزة أفضـل سـيناريو فـي أيـام قرطـاج السـينمائية.2017

Fuente / Fontes / Our Source / Quelle / Nos Sources (MAIS INFORMAÇÕES / READ MORE / PLUS D'INFOS) :
- Africiné Magazine
- www.jcctunisie.org/le-pont/
- www.jcctunisie.org/en/the-bridge/
Updated by Thierno DIA, 25 Dec 2024


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