SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Yanis Koussim

© DR / Selfie
Film director, Actor, Producer, Screenwriter
Principal country concerned : Column : Theater, Cinema/tv

Yanis Koussim is a young director, and belongs to the category the specialised Algerian press calls The Young Independents. He decided to become a filmmaker while he was studying law and started by making short documentaries in his hometown and in Paris. He then worked as assistant director on several shoots, with directors such as Costa Gavras and Philippe Faucon. At the same time, he wrote scripts for the biggest success on Algerian television series: "Nass M'lah City 3". He shot his first professional short film "Khti" in 2007 (he had already made two short films), which received two awards in Algeria and has been selected by various festivals around the world (Morocco, Spain, Egypt). "Khouya" (2010) enable him to be awarded (Damas, Locarno, Namur, Cannes). End of 2010, he completed the shooting of a documentary entitled "Mon papa est une légende". "Bahara" is his first feature film project.



نبذة عن المخرج

يانيس قوسيم مخرج عصامي. اختيرت أفلامه القصيرة للمشاركة في مهرجانات سينمائية عالمية منها مهرجانات لوكارنو، كان وكليرمون فيران. كتب مجموعة من القصص القصيرة تحت عنوان "القرآن حسب أما والأم فوسا" ووصلت إلى نهائيات جائزة محمد ديب عام 2002. يعمل قوسيم حالياً على إنتاج أول فيلم طويل له



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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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