SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle

Figures & Fictions

  • Figures & Fictions
Genre : Exposition

Du mardi 12 avril au dimanche 17 juillet 2011

Horaires : 00:00
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Photo

‘Figures and Fictions' presents the work of 17 South African photographers, all of whom are currently living and working in the country. It features works produced between 2000 and 2010, as the first flush of post-democratic euphoria begins to fade. While the old fixed categories of ‘black and white' no longer hold, they have not easily been displaced by the ideal of a post-racial ‘rainbow nation' of citizens and subjects. In this fascinating and fraught political context, a new generation of outstanding photographers have joined the established doyens of South African image makers to produce startling and compelling work.

Renseignements / Lieu

9.00-17.00, Monday to Friday

( 2011-04-12 00:00:00 > 2011-07-17 00:00:00 )
Cromwell Road
London ( SW7 2RL )


1 fiches

Lieux culturels

1 fiches


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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