Premieres Thur Nov 29th Special two-week engagement through Friday, Dec 14th Check web site for screening times @ MIST HARLEM CINEMAS 46 WEST 116TH STREET, NYC
80 min | directed by Mariette Monpierre
For more info visit
In the lush Caribbean island of Guadeloupe, Elza desperately searches for a distant childhood memory of a father she barely remembers. Elza embarks on a journey to find herself but uncovers some stark realities along the way that brings her to terms with her own identity. Based on the director's true story of searching for her biological father, the film captures the passion and contradictions of a family in transition.
ELZA opens in New York, Friday, November 30, 2012 @ MIST Harlem Cinema, 46 West 116th Street, NYC Between Lenox & 5th Avenues
Read More About ELZA on Indiewire
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