SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle

Christians and churches of Africa - envisioning the future - salvation in Christ and the building of a new african society

  • Christians and churches of Africa - envisioning the future [...]

Date de sortie : Mardi 01 janvier 2002
Genre : Religion
Collection : Théologie

ISBN du livre : 2-7235-0138-8

Année : 2002
Pays principal concerné :

"We Africans, who are witnessing the beginning of a new millenium with many anxieties and great hope, are ourselves carriers of a powerful energy of rebirth : namely Christ himself as the mainspring of a new creativity in the vitality of our being in all the spiritual, symbolic and material ressource, which today should be used for the building of a new society."


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1 fiches


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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