SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle

Goethe-Centre NaDS/Windhoek

  • Goethe-Centre NaDS/Windhoek
P.O.Box 1208 1-5 Fidel Castro Street
Tél. : +264 61 225700
Fax. : +264 61 221256
Contacter par email

About us
The Goethe-Centre in co-operation with the Namibian-German Foundation for Cultural Co-operation is the only German cultural centre in Namibia. Our aim is to promote the German language through language classes and through courses for teachers of ‚German as Foreign Language'. We furthermore thrive to foster intercultural co-operation between Namibia and Germany with a special focus on reconciliation between the colonial history and the Namibia of today.
Our cultural programme as well as the information work of the media center aim to mediate a modern and complete picture of all fields of German life.
We see ourselves as partners of other Namibian cultural institutions and organisations, joining forces in professional partnership and dialogue. Our services are available to anybody interested in Germany, the German language or the German culture.

The socio-political interests resulting from a specific politico-cultural relationship between Namibia and Germany are one of the challenges of our work. Focusing on innovative concepts which ought to foster mutual understanding, we put special emphasis on cultural exchange in the fields of art, science and media.

Director of the Institute

Director of the Institute
Sabine Aquilini
Institute Director
Tel: +264 61 225700
Fax: +264 61 221256


1 fiches


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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