SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle

Festival International de Cinéma de Locarno 2015

68ème édition
Festival International de Cinéma de Locarno 2015
Genre : Festival | Locarno

Du mercredi 05 au samedi 15 août 2015

Horaires : 00:00
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Cinéma/tv

Sections and Awards
With 12 sections, 3 competitions and 25 awards, quality and variety are key. This is the framework of a Festival that explores cinema from every perspective, to discover in the present the filmmakers and films destined to have a future.

Piazza Grande
Concorso internazionale
Concorso Cineasti del presente
Pardi di domani
Fuori concorso
Signs of Life
Histoire(s) du cinéma
Open Doors
I film delle giurie
Semaine de la critique
Panorama Suisse

Open Doors

Open Doors, the Festival's Co-production Lab, focuses each year on a different region in the South and the East.

In collaboration with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) of the Swiss Foreign Ministry, Open Doors aims primarily at assisting directors and producers from countries in the South and the East, where independent filmmaking is vulnerable, and is committed to enabling them to find co-production partners for their new projects.

The Co-production Lab
Open Doors brings professionals from the chosen region together with potential partners, mostly from Europe, to foster support for projects that would otherwise be difficult to complete.

Every year the Festival selects a dozen new projects from the chosen region and at the end of the workshop, the winning projects receive either development or production support.

In 2015, from the 8th to the 11th of August, the section focuses on four countries from the Maghreb (Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia), a region that the section focused on for the first time in 2005.

> Selected projects



Saint inconnu

The Colonel's Stray Dogs
South Africa·Documentary·06/2016

Open Doors Screenings
In order to introduce the Festival audience to the cinematographic and cultural landscape of the chosen region, a number of films are chosen each year to be part of the Open Doors Screenings, a non-competitive section of the Festival.

> 2015 program


Open Doors Grant
50,000 CHF - Award financed by the Open Doors initiative in collaboration with the Municipality of Bellinzona and the Swiss production support fund Visions Sud Est, funded by the SDC.

ICAM Prize
20,000 EUR - A contribution to development or post-production, offered by ICAM (Investing in Culture & Art in the South Mediterranean), a new initiative funded by the European Union (Programme Med Culture).

CNC Prize
10,000 EUR - A contribution for development.

ARTE International Open Doors Prize
6,000 EUR - A contribution for development.

MAD Solutions Prize
MAD Solutions awards a project with a distribution deal comprising funding for PR, marketing, print and publicity costs.


Marco Solari
Président du festival

Carlo Chatrian
Directeur artistique

Nadia Dresti
Directrice du marché

Alessandro Marcionni
Responsable courts métrages

Bruno Quiblier

Événements récurrents

1 fiches


1 fiches


1 fiches


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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