SPLA : Portal da diversidade cultural

St Michel Beach

  • St Michel Beach
Tipo : Ficção
Título original :
Principal país relacionado : Rúbrica : Cinema/tv
Ano de produção : 2004
Formato : Curto
Tempo : 6 (em minutos)

Fadi, Dania and Lucine are three young people in the late twenties that have organized educations and artistic activities in their communities. Fadi and Lucine are Palestinian and have previously worked in the refugees camp along with other children groups. All the three have prepared plays and other activities where as the themes of these activities were inspired from the problems these children are facing. Nowadays Fadi, Dania and Lucine are themselves learners in Al Jana Summer camp. The movie goes deep analyzing the personality of these three people and through them it will go asking questions that will open wide many queries in the educational field

Producer/Director: Zeina Sfeir
Director of Photography: Koussay Hamzeh
Sound: Imad Khatoun, Rayan el Obaidini
Editing: Cynthia Choucair
Exescutive producer: Beirut DC
Produced by: UNESCO


1 fichas


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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