SPLA : Portal da diversidade cultural

Twelve Disciples Of Nelson Mandela

  • Twelve Disciples Of Nelson Mandela
Gênero : Histórico
Tipo : Documentário
Título original :
Principal país relacionado : Rúbrica : Cinema/tv, História/sociedade
Ano de produção : 2005
Formato : Longo
Tempo : 73 (em minutos)
Filme Preto e branco

Confronted with the death of his stepfather, Director Thomas Allen Harris embarks on a journey to understand the man who raised him, Pule Benjamin Leinaeng ("Lee") - an ANC foot-soldier who sacrificed his life for the freedom of his country. As part of the first wave of South African freedom fighters, Lee and his comrades left their homeland in 1960 to broadcast to the world the brutality of apartheid and to raise support for the African National Congress ("ANC") and its leaders, Nelson Mandela and Oliver Tambo. This film is an intimate tale about an African-American family, the anti-apartheid movement and the quest for reconciliation between a father and son.

A Chimpanzee Prods./Independent Television Service (U.S.)/Curious Pictures (South Africa) production, in association with P.O.V./American Documentary, National Black Programming Consortium.

International sales: Cinephil-Philippa Kowarsky Prods., Tel Aviv.

Produced by Thomas Allen Harris, Rudean Leinaeng, Woo Jung-cho, Don Perry.

Directed by Thomas Allen Harris.

Tshepo Clement Madibeng, Matsepo Majara, Kabi Thulo, Maria De Koker, Mxolisi Mantlana, Mbuyiselo Nqobi, Mncedisi Kwinana, Fezekile E. Peter, Andile Lizo Ngwilingwili, Linda Carlos Hlogwane, Alex Selesho, Watson P. Thapong, Richman Mphou, Edward Charles Human, Vuyo Mfanekiso.

(English, Setswana, Afrikaans dialogue)


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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