SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Cameroun: coming out of the Nkuta

  • Cameroun : sortir du Nkuta
© Les films du balibari
Genre : Biography
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2009
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 52 (in minutes)

Cameroonian lawyer Alice Nkom is fighting to abolish the anti-constitutional order that makes homosexuality a crime in her country. Céline Metzler tells this exceptional woman's story and that of her protégés' daily struggles in a film full of touching confessions. Weaving many testimonies together, the film opens a window on contemporary Cameroonian society.

In Camerron, homosexuality is punished by 6 monts to 5 years of prison. But is Cameroonian society really homophobic ? What does individual freedom means in this country ?
In this film, through the life stories of 3 homosexuals and a lawyer, Alice Nkom, Cameroon appears to ba a country based on a strong traditional community with remains of colonial influence.
More than a value judgement, this film aims to get a better nderstanding of this society apparently homophobic.

France, Documentaire/Documentary, 52', 2009
French with English subtitles, Video

Réalisatrice / Director : Céline Metzger
Montage / Editor : Anne Delrieu
Prises de son / Sound : Christelle Cordeau et Sébastien Besseau

avec la participation de France O, RFO et du CNC.

France O : 31 mai 2009


1 files


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)

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